Legacy Programming Success
Congrats to one of our Masters Legacy Athletes, Lon Allen, that competed in the Master Collective Competition this past weekend. This event was invite only of the top 10 athletes that would have gone to the Games if they weren’t cancelled due to COVID. Having had his biggest jump on the leaderboard since he join with our program, this would have been Lon’s first year making it to Games. He went to the event and, even after shoulder issues that we had to contend with and work with as we prepped him, Lon finished in 2nd place behind Ron Ortiz, one of the most notable Master athletes around. We are proud of you Lon and all that you accomplished this year and honored to be part of your journey!!
The fastest growing division in the CrossFit competitive landscape is the Masters Division. If you look at the numbers of people that completed in the CrossFit Open the last few years, the Masters, aged 35+, make up half of the number of total athletes. And with more and more people seeing that CrossFit is designed to enhance the life of ANY one at ANY age, its no wonder we will continue to see a huge growth of th number of older athletes. But who will they follow and what program out there is designed specifically for them and their age? There is only one! THE LEGACY PROGRAM!
Being know as the older athlete competing with the young guns, I have ALWAYS been of Masters Age for my entire competitive CrossFit career! But even though am one of the old ones, I also have YEARS of competitive athletics, training, and coaching under my belt having started competing at age 5 and coaching at 20 years old. Believe me, I LOVE to throw down with kids and battle to the end. The problem is that Masters Athletes don’t get Personal Records by crushing themselves day after day. The key point for Master’s is, “More isn’t Better….BETTER IS BETTER!”
I know EXACTLY what it feels like to push hard and then have to get out of bed the next day hobbling to the shower to hope everything relaxes so I can train again that day. And the way I program is to allow my athletes to be able to hit the workouts hard, but then also be able to recover enough so that they CAN hit it hard again the next day! We know that intensity is the key but you can’t hit intensity and get the benefits if you are only working to 60-70%. You need to be able to push hard and wring the maximum out of your training! This is how you BUILD YOUR LEGACY!
Being the only Masters Program written by, and specifically designed for Masters Athletes of all abilities, the LEGACY PROGRAM will take you to athletic places you never thought possible. Just because you are older doesn’t mean your competitive time is done. Maybe you want to go to the Games, or yo want to do your first competition, or maybe you just want a program that allows you to push hard while still being able to do your regular life unimpeded. Then this is exactly what yo are looking for! Don’t pick a program that pigeon holes you into an age group. Don’t pick a program that is designed by someone who doesn’t know what you are feeling. I know what you want. I know how you feel. I am a Masters Athlete like you are!!!